Live foods are one of the best, most nutritious, and clearly the freshest option to feed a reef tank but who’s got the time to feed corals their meat and vegetables separately? Plankton Bloom is a new live food product from Sustainable Aquatics which includes a wide diversity of live foods with several forms of both phytoplankton and zooplankton.
With one of the broadest ranges of particle sizes, Sustainable Aquatics’ Plankton Bloom contains green marine phytoplanktons and marine diatoms on the small end, and brine shrimp, baby brine shrimp and copepods for the larger food sizes. Together the Nannochloropsis, Chlorella, Phaodactylum, Artemia, Brachionus, Apocyclops and Tigriopus contained in Plankton Bloom cover the spectrum from 2 to 1700 microns for every kind of reef creature in your aquarium.
It probably took Sustainable Aquatics some trial and error to get the ratios between the phyto and zooplankton well balanced to ensure maximum (cold storage) shelf life. We’re super curious to know how long the Plankton Bloom stays fresh in the refrigerator, but also how long it lasts in general since the bottle is basically a self-contained ecosystem of plankton. The zooplankton will surely enjoy feeding on the included phytoplankton – which will ensure that they are very nutritious when they are fed, but on a very long timeline the diversity and density should decrease. [SA]