Eliminating harmful and ugly dinoflagellates remains one of the most common and challenging tasks for the marine aquarist. Many of these problems are directly associated with excessive nutrient concentrations.
Natural coral reefs are typically nutrient-poor and free from smothering forms of benthic microalgae. In comparison, closed aquarium systems can quickly accumulate these nutrients, leading to unsightly algae blooms.
Frequent water changes are a highly effective way to address these issues in the short term, but costly over the long run. Many hobbyists have begun to experiments with more natural methods, adding live, beneficial microalgal products to their aquarium systems.

In addition to providing important nutritional supplementation to many aquarium species, this method safely robs undesirable algae species of excess nutrients as they build up. Notably, this tactic has been reported to eliminate some of the most loathed forms of nuisance dinoflagellates.
Starving Dinos for a Solution
One of the best way to eradicate nuisance dinoflagellate blooms is to put a stop to the problem that allowed them to arise in the first place excess nutrients. One of the safest and surest course of action is to increase competitive pressure on dinos by increasing the densities of beneficial algal species.
Aquarist can carry out an effective multi-pronged attack with the use of Algae Barn Ocean Magik. This product incorporates a blend of four Live Phytoplankton strains (Nano, Iso, Tet, and Thal) that actually nourish phytoplanktivorous aquarium animals (such as many corals, clams, sea cucumbers, etc.) as they sequester nutrients such as ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and silicate directly from the aquarium system water.
Ocean Magik does not merely eliminate bad stuff; rather, it turns bad stuff into something good. And, when the job is done, the flourishing algae is happily consumed by a very wide variety of aquarium creatures such as copepods.