Modern Reef’s Biodiversity is much more than bacteria in a bottle

Euro Corals brand Modern Reef has introduced a new microorganism soup called Biodiversity. Separate from their Nitri-Bac beneficial nitrifying bacteria for new aquariums, Biodiversity has been created to introduce diverse bacteria strains, microorganisms, minerals, and nutrients to reef aquaria, with…

Journey to the Microcosmos will have you hooked on all things tiny

Journey to the Microcosmos is a YouTube channel we were recommended and after watching a few videos, we are so glad it exists. Its video microscopy but with high production values, easy to understand information, and features the kind of…

Eliminate Nuisance Dinoflagellates with Algae Barn Ocean Magik

Eliminating harmful and ugly dinoflagellates remains one of the most common and challenging tasks for the marine aquarist. Many of these problems are directly associated with excessive nutrient concentrations. Natural coral reefs are typically nutrient-poor and free from smothering forms of benthic…

Is This the Dinoflagellate Treatment We’ve all been Hoping for?

Being a reef aquarists, means dealing with nuisance algae, parasites, and other pests… Cyanobacteria, AEFW, Red Bugs, and who here remembers that pink cotton candy algae (Callithamnion)? But dinoflagellates are usually just a pit stop in the succession of algae…