Reef Builders is proud to introduce a brand new series of videos we are calling Reefology which will be an even blend of reefing content regarding all aspects of the reef aquarium hobby. Reefology will cover the basics of putting together reef tanks, the animals we keep inside of them, and the techniques to help bring it all together.
You would be forgiven for thinking that discussions of the fundamentals of reef keeping is only for beginners but as long as we’ve been reefing we still find new, old, forgotten, and overall better ways to master the basics, leading to much greater success on even ‘advanced’ aquariums we try to build. In time we’ll be taking deep dives into every corner of the reef aquarium hobby but we couldn’t think of a better topic to kick things off than how we make the water we use on all the tanks at the Studio.
For the inaugural episode of Reefology we discuss the most important details of mixing seawater with a simplified approach to how we make purified water, how we store, mix and clean that water, the salt we use, and how we test it when it’s all said and done. This holistic technique to making 200 gallon batches of saltwater has been refined for three years and has navigated many of the small but important mistakes that can befall the beginner to the experienced reef builders.
Speaking of the Studio, this creative space was designed as a ‘proving ground’ for saltwater aquarium and reef tanks with around 20 aquariums demonstrating what we do with multiple clear examples so you can judge the results for yourself. We’ve been building out the Reef Builders Studio for over three years, we’ve been developing the video side of RB for more than a decade, and we’re very excited to finally bring it all together into the practical and informative Reefology video series.