The internet of things is well and fully upon us and more and more electrical devices are available with built in smarts and wireless control features. The Meross line is one of our favorites for having standalone wifi outlets that can be easily programmed to perform basic on/off operations on our aquariums at at around a piece, they are even cheap enough to be used as basic manual switches for our non-controllable AC powered protein skimmers.
The Meross Outdoor Smartplug is even more suitable for aquarium use since it offers a degree of protection against dust, water, and even fire which sounds like exactly the kind of outlets everyone should be using around their aquariums. At just $28.99 and on sale for just over twenty bucks you’d be hard pressed to find a ‘dumb’ outlet or analog timer that has a similar durability rating with two independently controlled outlets.
The IP44 rating is far from the ‘waterproof’ claim but it still is generally approved for use around humid and damp environments, usually bathrooms, which would make them a perfect fit for use inside aquarium stands. We also very much appreciate that the Meross Outdoor Smartplug also includes a buckle for mounting or hanging it high above the ground or floor where all water spills tend to spread out, and we feel very strongly that this is one of the most beneficial installation decisions that can prevent severe electrical hazards.