The Floating Reef System is a new aquascaping accessory from Fauna Marin which should streamline the process of making yourself a swanky new reef scape. Pictured with example rocks the PVC frame of the Floating Reef System is specially designed to hand on the back walls of reef tanks with and without european style bracing around the rim.
Fauna Marin will be offering the Floating Reef System in three sizes with the largest model capable of supporting 15 kilograms or about 33 pounds which should be more than enough to get creative with your choice of dry or live reef aquarium rocks. This latter point is an important one because you’ll get a lot more mileage from your lifted reef if you use porous and lightweight rocks such as Cornerstone or Morroca but you’ll also need to keep the weight of the corals when they are first mounted on, and also as they grow out.
This unique accessory was designed to be adjustable in height to help users center and align the rock work in an idealized position within the aquarium. Some reefers dabbling in the characteristic design of negative space aquascape (NSA) may opt to have the whole rock arrangement floating high above the bottom of the aquarium but for our part we’d probably place it somewhat lower so that it’s more of a normal reef scape which happens to not tough the ground.
The Fauna Marin Floating Reef System is a very welcome addition to the tools we use to make our reef aquarium look as good as possible and with a ready made frame, the installation should be really quick and simple. We don’t yet know when it will be released or how much the three different models will cost but we’ll be first in line to try out a few when Fauna Marin sets them loose.