Brian Blank
1784 Articles0 Comments

Free Book: Identification guide to common sharks and rays of the Caribbean

With avid curiosity for all things in our seas and oceans, we were intrigued to find this free book “Identification Guide to Common Sharks and Rays of the Caribbean” released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United…

LiveAquaria helps to minimize the ‘Dory effect’

Finding Nemo was a wonderful animated tale that brought our lovable saltwater fish to the masses, and it also brought many people into the hobby hoping to bring a “Nemo” home for their little frags to raise and admire. LiveAquaria…

Arcadia LED T5 retrofit lamps

Arcadia LED T5 retrofit tubes are a new product recently launched that allows you to swap your old standard T5 bulbs with an LED lamp giving you flexibility in your lighting without having to invest in an entirely new fixture.…

Follow along on this incredible expedition of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Research divers get to see amazing sights below the surface, but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make it all possible. Thanks to Richard Pyle, we are able to follow along on an exciting expedition…

Rod’s Food now includes recipes for freshwater fish

Rod’s Food has been making fans in the saltwater aquarium industry for a while, and now is making freshwater hobbyists happy with two new types of Rod’s Food for freshwater fish. The freshwater blends include Rod’s Food Small Mouth Blend,…

Skimz Piramid a new space-saving pyramid skimmer

Skimz has launched a new space-saving Skimz Piramid protein skimmer for people want a smaller protein skimmer without sacrificing power by slimming down the width by up to 36% over previous designs. Powering the new Skimz Piramid is the new R14 TinyAir bubble plate with a ratio…

The Raspberry Pi aquarium controller is getting more tempting

A couple of recent advancements from the Raspberry Pi team are making this platform even more enticing for developers around the aquarium. As we wrote back when it launched, the new Raspberry Pi 3 is one heck of a powerful…

ReeFlowers reef and marine aquarium additives

Reefing is a truly global hobby and its exciting to see products from all over including ReeFlowers line of aquatic products. The Turkish company produces a wide range of additives for saltwater, freshwater, planted tanks, ponds and terrariums, but its…

Edible six-pack rings feed marine life, not harm it

You know those nasty six-pack rings on beer and soda that end up in nature and pose serious threats to wildlife? Saltwater Brewery in Delray Beach, Florida, has an incredible answer by developing edible six-pack rings that will feed, rather…

Powder blue and Whitecheek tang hybrid latest to be documented at melting pot reef

If the islands along the Indo-Pacific border, including Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, had their own soundtrack it would be by Barry White. The powder blue x whitecheek tang hybrid is latest specimens to take the stage at this hybrid…