Brian Blank
1784 Articles0 Comments

Attend the MBI Workshop, get your own Lightning Maroon Clownfish

The Marine Breeding Initiative wants to give you a Lightning Maroon Clownfish. That’s right. We are not fooling. The Lightning Maroon Clownfish was almost too good to be true when discovered back in 2008 and thanks to hobbyists like Matt Pedersen and…

These pygmy seahorses officially the cutest things ever

We don’t throw words like ‘cute’ around often here at Reef Builders, but when we do you better believe we mean it. When you look at these images of Bargibant’s pygmy sea horses (Hippocampus bargibanti) you are instantly captivated but when…

Fragment of Hope sees outplanted reef spawning after two short years

The Fragment of Hope, a coral reef restoration program in Belize, has seen one of its reef nurseries spawning in 2012 that was planted back in 2010. There were samples taken and examined by Dr. Esther Peters has shown three different…

Continuum AquaBlade Mop makes algae cleaning safe for soft surfaces

The Continuum AquaBlade Mop is not something we haven’t seen before in the market but it is a new product from the company recently founded by industry veteran Jack Kent. Designed to safely clean diatoms, soft algae and cyanobacteria from acrylic…

D-D makes official statement on Powerchrome T5 tubes

During Interzoo Giesemann announced a new line of Powerchome T5 bulbs that had current D-D/Giesemann Powerchrome T5 owners and distributors scratching their heads a bit. We received an official statement from D-D in the form of an FAQ we shared below. Back…

Another PNG program looks to establish sustainable fisheries

Clownfish breeding is big business here in the US, however in areas like Papua New Guinea where harvesting from the reef itself is the norm, it is an entirely new ballgame. A recent project between Australian and Papua New Guinea…

Want to tour Fiji for 10 days with Walt Smith? Head to MACNA for chance to win dream trip raffle

Being able to head to Fiji for 10 days is a reefers dream alone. Now add onto that the ability to not only meet Walt Smith but tour the WSI facility, take a dive on the coral farm and just…

The strange superpower of the clingfish

The craze of superhero movies recently has us thinking more about what superpower we would want — x-ray vision, the ability to change shape, flying, superhuman strength — but do we think about the ability to stick ourselves to things?…

Battle to save Miami coral from destruction

Colin Foord from Coral Morphologic is battling time, strong currents and eels in the effort to save corals in Miami’s harbor from being blasted to smithereens by the Army Corp of Engineering during the $220 million Deep Dredge project to…

Giesemann debuts new Powerchrome T5 series

Giesemann debuted a new, exclusive line of Powerchrome T5 lamps at InterZoo. Although T5 technology has been relegated to the backseat of the aquarium illumination conversation due to the influx of LED lights, cost and performance are key factors for hobbyists…