Guest Writer
744 Articles0 Comments

Introduction to Elegance Coral (Catalaphyllia) Care

Elegance Corals, or Catalaphyllia as they are more technically referred to as, are a colorful and unique LPS Coral that have been in our hobby for quite some time. Elegance are native to the Indo-Pacific region and can be found…

A Novel Parasite In Marine Aquaria – Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD)

*featured image from Reefin’ Ain’t Easy, things can and DO happen to all of us. So, a lesson for the year (hopefully): no matter how long you have been in “the hobby,” things can, and eventually, will happen. We…

Reefcebo Makes A Market Splash – Promises To Fix All Issues In One Bottle

Reefcebo is a satirical product concocted by the Reef Beef Podcast, a platform known for its candid and humorous approach to reef aquarium discussions. Positioned as a “miracle” solution for various reef tank ailments, Reefcebo serves as both a comedic…

Introduction To Acan (Micromussa lordhowensis) Care

Hey, Reefers! Let’s talk Micromussa lordhowensis! Today, we’re going to cover one of the most popular and well-known LPS Corals, Micromussa Lordhowensis, most commonly referred to as Acan Lords!  Lords mainly come from the reefs surrounding Australia. These stunning LPS…

Introduction To Acropora Care

Hey, Reefers! Let’s talk Acropora! If an everyday, non-reefing individual was told to picture a coral, they are most likely envisioning an Acropora. Acropora, or Acro for short, are the pinnacle of not only reef keeping but actual reefs in…

A Bill in Iowa Seeks to Ban Possession and Ownership of Sharks

House File 24 (, introduced by Iowa State Representative Ray Sorensen, would define sharks that can grow to more than 23 inches as “dangerous wild animals.” This designation would prohibit ownership and possession of almost all shark species commonly kept,…

Valuable Information Gleaned on Captive Linckia Starfish Care From Community Survey

The wait is over, and the numbers are in; it’s time to explore our findings from the Linckia data collection survey!  We received 16 submissions, each with valuable information for this article. I want to extend a massive thank you…

Gorgonian Husbandry and the Future of Reef-Keeping

*main image credit to Evan Suh Gorgonians are a mysterious and often misunderstood type of soft corals. They come in myriad shapes and colors, but the most familiar of them to the aquarist might be the Caribbean photosynthetic varieties, such…

Zoanthid & Palythoa Intro Care Guide

Hey, Reefers! Let’s talk Zoanthids & Palythoas! Unsurprisingly, their vibrant colors, limitless varieties, and unique growth patterns have long favored them among all aquarium enthusiasts! These captivating corals, often referred to as “Zoas” or “Palys,” will not only add a…

dxAquaria Announces Development of Handheld Ick and Velvet Test Kits – Beta Testing Now Available

Infectious diseases pose a severe threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly in closed environments like aquariums and fish farms. Diseases that affect aquatic livestock can cause rapid mortality in freshwater and marine fish populations, often within hours if left untreated. Currently,…