Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Radion TIR Lenses finally let loose by Ecotech Marine

First revealed at InterZoo, the Ecotech Marine TIR lens clusters are finally available for purchase. If you’ve been waiting to get your tentacles on a set of Ecotech Marine’s TIR (total internal reflection) cluster lens for your Radion XR30 LED…

Centropyge narcosis imported from Cook Islands by Quality Marine

Centropyge narcosis has just made its world debut in the Americas thanks to the recent import by aquarium fish powerhouse Quality Marine. The Narcosis angelfish is an extremely rare deepwater reef fish previously believed to be endemic to the Cook Islands. Quality…

AquaBlade from Continuum Aquatics is all kinds of made in U.S.A.

The AquaBlade is a new aquarium algae scraper from Continuum Aquatics which bears the hallmarks of a great aquarium maintenance device. Made in the US and keeping jobs at home, Continuum Aquatics will be making the AquaBlade with a white…

Sep-Art Artemia Cysts (brine shrimp eggs) from Ocean Nutrition get pricing for Europe

The Sep-Art Artemia Cysts magnetic brine shrimp eggs that were first revealed by Ocean Nutrition at InterZoo are just about ready to start shipping to hobbyists with an interest in feeding live baby brine shrimp. Ocean Nutrition will be providing three products…

Echinomorpha nishihirai is the latest wild chalice coral to be sighted

Echinomorpha nishihirai is a distinctive looking chalice coral which can be quite a showstopper. Often eclipsed by the much more readily available Echinophyllia, Oxypora and Mycedium chalice corals, Echinomorpha is distinguished by a prominent, large central corallite and very few, widely…

Wyoming White and Maine Blizzard clownfish from Sea & Reef Aquaculture

It’s been a long time since we heard anything about the production of the Wyoming White clownfish and with the closing of C-Quest and unfortunate passing of Bill Addisson, it seemed like the strain might die out. The Maine Blizzard…

XL Biopellets are jumbo ‘bio-bones’ that don’t need to be fluidized

XL BioPellets are getting supersized into jumbo Bio-Bones that are so big and heavy that they don’t need to be fluidized, and therefore fit right into any kind of canister filter or compartment. Being much much larger than the previous…

Vertex Aquaristik algae magnet and magnetic holders are built for class

Never before have we seen so much care and attention to detail placed in magnetic aquarium accessories as there exists in the Vertex Aquaristik algae magnets and magnetic holders. The Vertex Simplex and Duplex and the Sensor Mag probe holder…

Mycedium robokaki chalice with raspberry colored eyes introduced by LiveAquaria

Mycedium robokaki is a chalice coral that continues to surprise us. We’ll never forget the first time we spotted Mycedium robokaki with a plain tan base color and tiny bright orange mouths. Back in 2007 the reef hobby was still…

170 lumens per watt light bulb made a reality by Cree

There once was a time when lighting industry experts hoped that one day we would get LED-powered light bulbs with an efficiency of 100 lumens per watt, that was the hoop dream. Following on their bleeding edge 152 lumen per…