Joost de Vries
309 Articles0 Comments

ATI PowerCone I-Series skimmer finally seen at MACNA 2011

ATI teased us with a video of the ATI PowerCone I-series back in February, but it looks like the PowerCone I-series is finally about to release. The PowerCone I-series will come in a 200 (rated for 100-250 gallons) and 250 version…

Reef Gently Frag Trees a new way to mount coral

Reef Gently, a company known for their AccliMate acclimation kits, is showing of their new Frag Trees here at MACNA. These Frag Trees are made from either colored or clear acrylic and can be bought prebent or plat to be…

DrTim’s Aquatics NP-active pearls spotted at MACNA

We’ve covered plenty of biopellets here at Reef Builders but the NP-active pearls by Dr. Tims creation are a bit different. Although the NP-active pearls look pretty much the same as most on the pellets on the market, these pellets are…

MACNA 2011 – looking forward to seeing more young people in the reef aquarium hobby

It’s been almost a year since I first started writing for Reef Builders, and I have to say it has been a blast. Since I never really introduced myself to the readers, I realize that many of you do not… is THE source for everything about deep water corals, David Attenborough approved

As hard core reef hobbyist, we are also very much fascinated with the ecology and biology and the conservation of any marine creature, and deep water corals are no exception. It’s been quite a long time since we first shared…

Scandinavian cold water aquariums a lot more diverse than you might think

When thinking about coldwater marine aquariums, west coast aquariums like that of Steve Weast come to mind, usually not coldwater aquariums from the supposedly “murky” waters of the coasts in Scandinavia. Recently however we’ve come across some Scandinavian cold water aquariums that throw…

Dyed animals still an unfortunate reality in the reef aquarium hobby

When we think of dyed corals and anemones in the aquarium trade, the first thing we picture is grainy low quality images from the generic reef aquarium books of the 1980s and 1990s. Imagine our surprise when we saw the…

ATB skimmer pot cleaning system caught on video

[youtube][/youtube] We first spotted the Pot Cleaning System on the ATB Super Size skimmer back in 2010, and we got to see the Pot Cleaning System up close on the ATB Elegance 250 Pro during Aquarama. Now we got our…

Hands on with the Reef Angel controller

We’ve been excited about the open source concept of the Reef Angel controller from the get go and now we finally got our hands on a Reef Angel controller. Needless to say, we weren’t disappointed. The controller certainly has come…

Marcy’s reef is full of sweet azoox corals

At Reef builders we are huge fans of azoox reef aquariums because they are unique and quite simply they’re just hot. This neat little Japanese 170L (45 US gallons) tank is no exception. The huge variety of Tubastraea, Dendrophilia and…