Scott Fellman
56 Articles0 Comments

Aquascaping “Outside The Box” The Volcano-scape of Kyle Verry

If you are a regular reader of my ramblings here on Reef Builders, at hobby conferences, and in hobby magazines, you know I’m a HUGE fan of outside-the-box thinking in aquascaping. No rock walls and boring layouts for me. Nope!…

Thoughts on Reef Aquarium Husbandry: “Good things done in small measures, with frequency.”

Recently, I gave a talk at a hobby club meeting in Vermont, and the topic was Nutrient Control and Export”.  I’ve given this talk at some other clubs aound the nation before, and I’m frequently surprised by how much hobbyists…

Thoughts on Reefapalooza 2009 and fashionable coral names

And so it goes, Reefapalooza 2009 has come and gone.  First off, I have to hand it to the folks at SCMAS – WELL DONE… What is really amazing is that even though this thing has evolved to “major event…

Propagating Gracilaria for fun and food!

At MACNA XXI two weeks ago, I had the honor of doing a workshop on propagating my favorite  macroalgae, Gracilaria. This genus has a lot going for it, as far as us fish geeks are concerned: it is readily available,…

House of Fins Anniversary Splash Event pleases lovers of the Rare and Unusual

The House of Fins 52nd Anniversary Splash event was a very special weekend for all those who attended. Not only was there a chance to see a top notch group of speakers, including the ever-affable, highly sought after, yet somewhat…

“Cyclo-delic”….Rainbow Cycloseris at House of Fins

This rockin’, gyrospastic 1980’s dayglo neon flashback Cycloseris, which was has resided  at a Los Angeles area wholesaler  for some time, has posh new digs: The House of Fins in Greenwich, CT.  With a lot of persuasion, House of Fins…

What’s Hot in The Hobby- An old reef geek’s look at the state-of-the art…

I’m fresh from MACNA XXI in Atlantic City…Besides being a wonderful event with great people, excellent presentations, and complete lack of sleep, MACNA brings together hobbyists, manufacurers and vendors from all over the world.  (I love speaking at MACNA!) Whenever…

Just What Kind of Reefer Are You? (And does it even matter?)

“What is interesting to see is that as the reef hobby “grows up”, we are starting to see a great deal of specialization” I was reflecting recently with Jake about one of my favorite topics: The current trends and state…

Tear Down The Wall! Re-imagining rockwork for a new century

One of the biggest problems for most hobbyists when incorporating live rock into their display is figuring out how much live rock needs to be used. In the “old days”, it was thought that you needed up to a “few…

Energy efficient reefkeeping: 8 Tips to Help Save Money and Energy

I’m taking a different approach for this week’s column,  departing from my ramblings on system concepts and delving into the practical. I’m going to give you my two cents worth on how you can optimize your aquarium to save energy…