Scott Fellman
56 Articles0 Comments

Amazing aquarium uses common corals to produce an uncommon effect

At Reef Builders, we strive to bring you aquariums that reflect  a unique perspective. Some blow us away with their sheer beauty. Others with vibrant animal growth. Still others tease us with their high-tech gadgetry and bleeding edge technology.  And…

Something old, something new: Evolution within the hobby

One of the coolest things about our hobby is the amazing progression over the years in both the state of the art and the technology that we embrace.  Improvements that have enabled us to do things previously thought incredibly difficult…

The Danger of “Regurgitation”

If you’ve been “around the block” a few times in this hobby, you’ll often hear fellow hobbyists dispensing words of aquatic wisdom to anyone who needs it. You know, the usual stuff, like “you need to quarantine new animal purchases”, …

Some “Light Conversation”- Lightfair 2010 and the LED Revolution

It’s no secret that the crew here at Reef Builders are huge fans of LED lighting. Seems like not a day goes by when we’re not breaking something new on this evolving technology. It’s a fact- LED technology is not…

Aquatic Self-Discovery: The art of Learning Something New

As I often do, I was chatting  “fish” with Jake the other day, and the conversation inevitably turned towards our upcoming aquarium projects. If you read my blog regularly, it’s no secret that I have rekindled my love affair with…

Slowing down for success, the patient reefer’s way to “pre-stock” a tank

Having set up more than a few reef systems in my time, I never seem to be surprised at my true hobbyist impatience! Let’s face it—once we get the plumbing done, the lighting tweaked, leaks sealed, and aquascaping set, we’re…

The Enduring Allure of “Chalices”: What’s the Deal?

I don’t know if it’s just one of those things that happens when you get older- you start questioning everything in the hobby: Conventions, norms, and trends are but a few of the things you ponder. I’m not grumpy, believe…

A Paradigm Shift for the “Postmodern Era” of Reef Keeping

An old expression goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” In my humble opinion, that expression does NOT apply to our hobby anymore. Sure the fine art of reefkeeping has stayed basically the same as it…

The Reefstock 2010 Aquascaping Design: Lessons learned and a Victory for the Road Less Travelled

Reeftock  2010 is now a pleasant memory. The aquascaping  “ Throwdown”  between myself and my new BFF, Freshwater “Iron Aquascaper” John Ciotti, was a smashing success, bringing aquascaping to the forefront of the marine hobby world, if only for a…

The Foul Stench of Smack…Fellman Strikes Back!!!

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither…