Scott Fellman
56 Articles0 Comments

All That You Need When Setting Up A Reef Tank

As you navigate the kind of muddy waters of “New-to-Reef-Aquariums-Land”, you’re bombarded by tons of different messages about what you need, what you don’t need, what you SHOULD do, what you SHOULD NOT do…it’s a very noisy world. So, here…

Beyond the very beginning…stocking your reef for success

If you ask most level-headed reef hobbyists, one of the most enjoyable parts of the game is stocking our systems with corals and fishes. Now, on the surface, this seems like just a super-fun thing to do- and it IS-…

So Many Tanks…So Many Possibilities…
When you’re considering your first reef aquarium, one of the things you probably need to give more thought to is…your aquarium! And now, more than ever, there are multiple options. For your first reef tank, a realistic option might be…
So, you’re ready to set up your first reef tank!

So, you’re ready to set up your first reef tank! You’ve seen all the cool pictures, read all of the tank build threads on the popular forums, and drooled over all of the awesome corals that are available…Yeah, you’re really…

Transitioning from clinical to practicing reefer, once again

It’s been a while, huh? Amazing what changes while you’re “away.” Amazing what happens to you when you drift off from the stuff you love so much, isn’t it? Of late, I’ve made a (for me) wonderful and long-overdue transition…

The Drop-Off Reef Aquarium of Philippe Grosjean

We feature a lot of cool aquariums from around the world since so many are pushing the envelope of aquarium design and creative expression. Every once in a while, we come across an aquarium that falls into a class of…

A look back at the most memorable marine, reef and coral aquariums of 2011

2011 Has definitely seen its share of unique aquariums, many of which were featured right here on these pages. Some were variations on an old theme, some were nice applications of the current state of the art, and a number…

Zero Reef East- less is more when setting up a nano coral tank

I like to think of myself as a progressive hobbyist. Despite being in the hobby for more than three decades, I always try to push myself to keep up on the state of the art in marine aquarium practice, and…

Fluval Edge Heater is 25 watts of compact heating for nano aquariums

With nano and pico aquariums gaining popularity every day, it’s nice to find accessories that are proportioned for their needs. Finding appropriately sized heaters for 4-6 gallon aquariums can be a real problem. Fortunately, Hagen offers an unbreakable compact 25-…

Mauritian Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus cinereus, Lands at House of Fins

Although the genus Rhinecanthus contains seven known species, the so-called “Mauritian Triggerfish” has not, to our knowledge, been imported into the U.S. before. House of Fins of Greenwich, CT secured this colorful specimen, and will have it on hand for…