
An Introduction to Reef Aquarium Lighting

Saltwater aquarists who choose to take the plunge into reef keeping quickly come to an interesting realization: The lighting used in such systems is of paramount importance. Whereas lighting in fish-only systems is primarily an aesthetic concern (for the most…

Turning Up the Heat on Tropical Saltwater Aquariums

The vast majority of saltwater aquarium hobbyists choose to keep fish and invertebrates that were collected on and around tropical coral reefs. Thus, if they want to keep their marine livestock alive and thriving, it’s essential that they maintain tropical…

The Ebb and Flow of Marine Aquarium Water Movement

Water on the coral reefs is ever on the move. Constantly shifting currents, changing tides, and rolling or crashing waves make for quite a dynamic environment that saltwater aquarium hobbyists must attempt to recreate in their systems for the health…

The Lowdown on Live Rock

“Live rock”: It’s one of the first terms new saltwater aquarium hobbyists hear—and one of the first times (of many) they may find themselves scratching their heads in bewilderment. Let’s clear up the confusion! What on earth is live rock?…

Quarantine Tank: A Crucial Part of Aquarium Success

When it comes to stocking a saltwater aquarium, there is one irrefutable truth every hobbyist must learn and take to heart—introducing livestock to a display tank without quarantining it first is a surefire recipe for failure. Trust your friends here…

Protein Skimming: Bubble Your Way to Better Water Quality

Saltwater aquarium hobbyists today have a dizzying array of devices, doodads, and doohickeys at their disposal for improving water quality and maintaining appropriate water parameters. Some of these items are essential for aquarium success, while others might be more appropriately…

Getting to the Bottom of Aquarium Sand and other Substrates

The choice of substrate—the material placed on the bottom of the tank—for a saltwater aquarium is one of many areas in our hobby that generate confusion and disagreement. Ask 10 hobbyists which type and depth of substrate they would recommend,…

4 Reasons to Start with a Bigger Saltwater Tank

Many beginner saltwater aquarium hobbyists are tempted to “get their feet wet” with a small system, assuming it will require a correspondingly small investment of time, effort, and income to maintain. Then, the thinking goes, after nurturing their aquarium-husbandry skills…