Marine/Saltwater Fish

Tips for Adding New Fish to an Established Community

Here at Saltwater Smarts, we frequently advise our fellow salties to introduce fish species to an aquarium in the order of least aggressive to most aggressive. Using this tactic goes a long way toward ensuring peaceful cohabitation in a fish…

Flame Angelfish: Heavenly Beauty With a Touch of Devilishness

The aptly named flame angelfish (Centropyge loriculus) is an eye-popping Pacific beauty that stops people in their tracks when they catch sight of it in a home aquarium or LFS sales tank. This stunning dwarf angel has much to recommend…

The What and When of Feeding Saltwater Fish

Feeding time is one of the most rewarding aspects of keeping saltwater fish. Let’s face it, fish don’t exactly reciprocate affection the way dogs and cats do. The closest we can really get to interacting with them is when we…

The Benefits of Buying Captive-Bred Marine Fish

On the freshwater tropical fish market, the majority of species sold are captive-bred, either on a large scale by commercial fish farms or by dedicated hobbyists. Relatively few species are still collected in the wild. However, on the saltwater side…

Burrowing Beauty: Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons)

Since I first set eyes on a wild specimen while scuba diving in the Florida Keys, I’ve been enamored with the yellowhead, a.k.a. pearly, jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons). Though not the most chromatically gifted fish in the sea, this burrowing beauty…

4 Marine Fish Compatibility Blunders to Avoid

The realm of human interaction can be remarkably complicated. But generally speaking, as long as certain social conventions and legal constraints are observed, most people will manage to coexist in peace and seldom resort to violence. Only in cases of…

Red Sea Showstopper: Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)

When it comes to vivid coloration, the purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) is arguably in a class all by itself. This resplendent Red Sea showstopper has won a special place in Chris’s heart and, given appropriate housing, tankmates, and nutrition, might…

Guide to Choosing Healthy Saltwater Fish at your LFS

A healthy, thriving community of saltwater fish begins with the judicious selection of specimens at your LFS. While not every potential health problem or disease will be evident to the naked eye, cautious appraisal of all prospective specimens for health…