
Black tailed Centropyge heraldi is just another one of numerous confusing variations

Centropyge heraldi is an unassuming yellow dwarf angelfish with a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. When you do, you’ll probably want to break down and cry in confusion. Apart from the standard yellow dwarf angelfish, C.…

Tiny conspicuous angelfish is so small it’s practically post-larval

There’s something so fascinating about seeing pictures of baby marine angelfish, regardless of how dull or bright these tiny fish are, it’s awesome to see the transformation from juvenile to adult. We’re all aware of how dramatically species within the Pomacanthus and Holacanthus can change…

Our Tigerpyge hybrid gets a video update in HD

Although much of the hype surrounding the Tigerpyge angel has died down since its meteoric appearance a few years ago, there is no denying its sheer beauty and grace. Of all the hybrids we’ve seen and gawked at, the lemon peel and…

Dr. Chung Wing Hung’s Pomacanthid perfection

Dr. Chung from Hong Kong is a familiar name to any rare fish lover worthy of his salt. A dentist by profession, Dr. Chung has had the privilege of owning some of the most elusive and rare species in the same tank.…

Sequential Hermaphrodites: Protandrous, Protogynous or serial bidirectional?

Things are rather peculiar in the realm of reef fish. Few phenomenons are clear cut in black and white. At a glance it’s as if the myriad of biological processes walk the grey zone, waiting for the deciding waves to push them…

Poetry in motion, Apolemichthys kingi in notion

Embellished throughout, with stripes of a tiger. Not one of mammal, but of equal desire. Your presence is known, but secret i’ll keep. A halo a clue, is all I shall speak.

CoralFriend’s newest video shows three of the rarest angelfish together

The video may not be the smoothest, it’s a little shaky and the colors undersaturated but any marine angelfish fan will immediately recognize that this aquarium contains three of the rarest of the rare Pomacanthids. Dr. Chung Wing Hung’s collection…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The clandestine life of Centropyge colini

Fabled angelfish of the deep, with a mysterious ectoplasmic glow. Centropyge colini is a dwarf angel riddled with mystique and inexplicable beauty. Of the various deepwater dwarf angelfish known to science, only a few species fall readily into the hands…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Genicanthus watanabei and notes on the genus

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features a member from the angelfish family Genicanthus, which features medium to large plankton feeding species that sport unusually long tail filaments. Like the colloquial name “swallowtail angels” suggests, Genicanthus are noted for their markedly long…

Ultra Rare Fish Alert: First live photos of Chromis struhsakeri and Bodianus bathycapros

Robert Whitton is a renowned underwater videographer and naturalist, and is currently working in the ichthyological department of natural sciences as a research assosiate at the Bishop Museum in Hawaii. Robert runs a blog called Explorer’s Log where he documents…