
Opulent Osaka Part 1: Makoto Matsuoka’s decade old Prognathodes collection

We just got back from a three day trip to Osaka and if you’re a fish lover, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled and attention focused on this page for the next week at least. Japan as…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: All that glitters is not Golden Angelfish

All that glitters is not gold. That is certainly the case for Centropyge aurantia, the golden angelfish. Despite having both the common and latin name of this fish associated with the precious metal, there is in terms of appearance, very…

Centropyge deborae video shows this cryptic fish closer than ever

Once we get a lock on a relatively poorly known reef fish or coral, our short term infatuation is not over until we’ve thoroughly documented the specimen with great write ups, great photographs, and especially a movie. Our subject today…

LiveAquaria’s Tailless eibli angelfish

The eibli angelfish, Centropyge eibli, is a very common and widespread aquarium fish. You can therefore imagine the disconnect we felt when we saw that LiveAquaria is offering an eibli angelfish for the princely sum of $279, but then we saw…

Reef Builders x Cairns Marine: A visit to the facility

If you’ve been following our recent posts and our Facebook updates judiciously, you’d know that we had the greatest pleasure of visiting Cairns Marine and their wonderful team just a few weeks back. Apart from touring the facility and seeing how…

Centropyge deborae can be a beautiful pygmy angelfish (in the right light)

Centropyge deborae is one of the pygmy angelfish which holds a very special place in our hearts since it was one of the first new species of angelfish that we got to write about before it was described, and thoroughly…

Centropyge debelius literally scrapes through 2014 by the skin of its teeth

Well what did we tell you. Didn’t we mention it’s very likely that a super cool fish will swoop in at the last minute just before the year closes to shock everyone? In what seems like a yearly tradition, 2014…

2014 recap: Top 10 scintillating reef fish stories

2014 is fizzing away by the day and as usual, we’ve recapped our ten favourite reef fish stories for the year. Normally we’d put out our top ten highlights just as the year closes to make sure no surprises pops…

Bicolor flame angelfish might have a touch of the vitiligo

A nice large male solid red flame angelfish with flowing blue-edged fins is quite a sight to behold, we’d say it’s possibly one of the most beautiful reef fish, or at least pygmy angelfish. For some of you nothing will…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The Armitagei hybrid love child

Apolemichthys is one of seven angelfish genera that are ever popular in the aquarium trade. The genus encompasses some of the age old aquarium favourites such as the flag fin angelfish (A. trimaculatus), bandit angelfish (A. arcuatus) as well as…