
Leopard Multibar Angelfish is now in the best of hands

From where we’re standing, the Leopard Multibar Angelfish that was collected in Vanuatu about a month ago is just about one of the most sensational aberrant marine angelfish we’ve ever seen. This one of a kind fish could have gone…

Spotted Multibar Angelfish channels its inner Snow Leopard

A spotted multibar angelfish has been collected which could be one of the most sensational aberrant angelfish we’ve ever seen. Besides the very rare hybrid multibar angelfish specimen, this species is very consistent in its pattern, but we could never…

Destination Tokyo, the final frontier

In all the years as a fish writer, nothing has been more rewarding to me than travelling the world and seeing new things. The relationships that i’ve forged with people throughout my time is something that can never be taken away, and…

The Peppermint Angelfish that won the world over

Despite the Peppermint Angelfish’s (Paracentropyge boylei) recent meteoric debut in the mainstream aquarium trade, it’s status as an iconic book fish has hardly been relinquished. Familiarity has not made us jaded with the clinquant beauty of this incredible species. In fact, it’s a…

High-yellow Venustus angelfish looks great in high frame rate video

Thanks to this lovely, lengthy study on the variations of  Paracentropyge venusta, we know that there is an interesting degree of variation of color in the purple masked angelfish. The video we are sharing with you today is a quickie…

Variations and forms of Paracentropyge venusta

Paracentropyge is a small genus with three species. Over the years, the placement of P. venusta as well as P. multifasciata have been in rather constant shuffle, moving back and forth between this as well as Centropyge. Allen and Erdmann’s…

Rare fish alert: The original hybrid Paracentropyge, and BlueHarbor unleashes teaser clips

It has been just less than a month ago when we broadcasted about the newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the scenes. Well we hope that’s still fresh in your minds, as BlueHarbor has just uploaded a video of the “original”…

Baby peppermint angelfish video is the pinnacle of cute reef life

For a fish that was once only known from a handful of photos and only one specimen in captivity, the peppermint angelfish sure is getting a lot of airplay today. We are definitely living in a golden age of reef…

Marshallese multibar angelfish is the healthiest Paracentropyge we’ve seen

The multibarred angelfish (Paracentropyge multifasciata) is a stunning and widely offered little angelfish that captivates the hearts of seasoned and amateur aquarists.  This little heartbreaker is sadly, not easy to keep and often refuse to eat and waste away due to…

Updates on the divine new Paracentropyge multifasciata x P. venustus hybrid

Few days ago, we shared with you the world’s newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the reefing scene. This natural hybrid between the two Indo-pacific Paracentropyge angels (P. venustus and P. multifasciata) is possibly the most stunning creations mother nature has…