
Plectranthias face-off: Two incredible species, P. fourmanoiri and P. garrupellus

We LOVE Plectranthias! Now repeat it with conviction, and then again while you read this post. Here at ReefBuilders we’re always on the ball with the genus Plectranthias for new discoveries, new species for the trade, you name it. We’ve covered…

Surprise re-emergence of Anthias anthias takes Japan by storm

Not to be confused with Pseudanthias, the genus Anthias was the original “anthias” to be erected by Linnaeus himself in the mid 1700s. The type species Anthias anthias is an Atlantic rarity that is very seldom seen in the trade.…

Video of the recently discovered New Caledonia Sunrise Anthias

The beautiful new Sunrise Anthias that was discovered by Antoine Teitelbaum in New Caledonia and photographed by Quality Marine has now gotten its turn behind the videographer’s lens. Thomas Brown had his camera on hand and at the ready on…

A closer look at the gorgeous White-bar Anthias, Pseudanthias leucozonus

Pseudanthias leucozonus has been referred to as one of the most beautiful deep water anthias and for a long time, has been regarded as a japanese endemic. It’s only in recent years that we’ve been seeing sporadic appearances of these…

Unprecedented close up look at Odontanthias katayamai on video

Our first look at this new video of Odontanthias katayamai made our heart palpate a little bit. Like the previous live specimen of O. katayamai, this stunning specimen of anthias was collected by Deep Sea Challengers in Japan at the incredible depth…