FAQs on Phytoplankton Part 1

You wanna know how Phytoplankton really works in your aquarium? We asked Phycologist Taras V Pleskun.  Which reef aquarium corals and other animals can ingest, and benefit from Phytoplankton? Microalgae are the nutritional foundation of all marine ecosystems. They are…

Levi’s Caribbean Biotope Aquarium

I’ve always personally wanted to set up an aquarium endemic to a certain area of the ocean. I recently moved across the country to Florida, and with the move, I happened to have an empty 75-gallon aquarium. I figured if…

Hydros Control X10 is a Dosing Pump and Aquarium Controller In One

CoralVue is soon to release its latest addition to the Hydros Aquarium Controller portfolio, the Control X10. Like others in the range, the X10 comes fitted with two Command Bus, two Drive Ports, and four Sense Ports to power 12V…

How to Overcome a Total Tank Wipeout

We hate to hear about it happening to someone. We hate to see it when someone posts about it happening to them. But more than anything we hate to experience it. Sadly, almost everyone I know who has been in…

Why Coral Videos Can Make You Happier

We all know that too much screen time is bad for us; there’s loads of information out there that supports stepping away from our screen and stepping out into nature. I’m a huge advocate of doing just that, but some…

A Beginner’s Guide to ICP Testing

As mentioned in my last article, water testing is one of the least fun aspects of the hobby. I have discussed water testing and ICP testing with a lot of other hobbyists and one of the interesting things I have…

The Five Best SPS Corals For Beginners

Small Polyp Stony Corals are some of the most popular aquarium corals, and the most populous on natural reefs, famed for their spiky branches, flat tables, or swirling plates. Not all SPS corals are the same, however, or as easy…

100% Coral Bleaching as Florida Sea Temperatures Rise Over 100 Fahrenheit

As if Floridian corals weren’t under enough environmental pressures, this past week, temperatures hit triple digits in Florida Bay and the Keys causing 100% coral bleaching events in some areas. A world record-breaking sea surface temperature of 101.1F (38.4C) was…

Aquariums Have Lower CO2 Emissions Than Pet Cats and Dogs

A paper has been published in the Journal of Fish Biology titled “The Environmental Impact of Keeping a Tropical Aquarium in Northern Europe.” It was published back in June 2023, first attracting positive attention from the aquarium industry because it…

Megasiphon thylakos is a new species of Tunicate from 500 million years ago

Paleontologists have discovered the fossil of a 500 million-year-old tunicate in the Marjum Formation of Utah. Named Megasiphon thylakos after its two large, prominent siphons and sack-like body, the discovery is important because tunicates have a poor fossil record (due…