First good pictures of the newest wicked colored koi scopas tang

The wicked koi scopas tang is alive and well in the United States and we’ve got the first pictures of this fish from an actual camera. The nearly one-of-a-kind Zebrasoma scopas was conditioned in Jakarta after its collection in Java and…

Crazy black & white Koi Scopas discovered in Java

Not all Koi Tangs or Tricolor Tangs are created equal and this is abundantly clear in a new specimen fresh caught in Indonesia. This striking black and white and yellow-trimmed Zebrasoma scopas totally ups the ante when it comes to wild &…

Hotspot of aberrant scopas tangs discovered south west of Java

Aberrant scopas tangs, also known as koi tangs and tricolor tangs are very unique form of the Zebrasoma scopas surgeonfish. A normal scopas tang is a fairly easy fish to overlook with a spade shaped body outline that has a basic…