Soft Corals: Still Sexy After All These Years

Being a traveling fish geek/speaker, I probably get to see as many aquariums each month as some hobbyists do all year. In almost every city that I visit, I’m taken to amazing aquariums- some are huge, some are medium sized,…

Some amazing corals hiding in plain sight

So many rare and unusual corals that are infrequently seen in the trade make up a small percentage of all corals which are harvested for the ornamental coral trade. With that premise, LiveAquaria’s ability to  handle a huge number of…

Guide of SPS coral coloration (make them more vivid, bright)

This guide endeavors to assist you with the ever popular SPS coral. This was  written by member Shadowramy and it explains specific ideas and strategies in which you can do to affect the color of your corals. This assumes you…

Analysis & Review of Seachem Laboratories Aqua Vitro

Analysis of Seachem Laboratories Aqua Vitro Back near the beginning of May, Reef Builders asked me to test a new line of products geared toward reef tanks called Aqua Vitro by Seachem Laboratories. The Aqua Vitro line of products consists…

Tank of the Month: February 2008, Reef Builders Member: Carym

In October of 2004, started with a smaller 30 gallon reef setup, still have some of the same corals and fish that I started with in that tank, but it was always a dream of mine to do a saltwater…

The Reef Engine, Symbiodinium-and why you should get to know it

If you haven’t heard of Symbiodinium then don’t worry, not a lot of people have. You can think of Symbiodinium as the heart of your corals, scientists have compiled the world’s first detailed gene expression library for Symbiodinium, the microscopic…