Japanese pygmy angelfish are absolutely divine as juveniles

We don’t really need much of a reason to share with you some fabulous pictures of exquisite reef fish, but when we got these pictures of a juvenile Japanese pygmy angelfish, Centropyge interrupta, well we knew they’d be posted up…

Cirrhilabrus earlei trio arrives in US, along with some delectable Angelfish

Nebraska Reef Club President, Jim Gryczanowski, is a self professed wrasse nut. Recently, he acquired a trio of Cirrhilabrus earlei. The C. earlei wrasse is a deepwater species, only recently discovered in 2001. They are extremely rare in the trade…

Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus syn., the orange face angelfish from Japan

Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus syn., the orange face angelfish was recently aquired by a Japanese marine aquarium store called Sea Park.  The orange face angelfish usually is usually collected from the waters of Taiwan, but this fish was collected from the ocean…