LEDs in Action: There is no shame in being a halfway DIYer

‘LEDs in Action’ is a new mini series from Reefbuilders to highlight the importance and potential of LED technology for the home aquarium. Given the perilous environment for LED fixtures in the aquarium industry, the technophile aquarist looking to brighter…

Red Dragon Pump Controller detailed out via manual

You remember that Royal Exclusiv Red Dragon controller first seen at Interzoo 2008? We finally acquired a copy of the manual for the Red Dragon Pump controller and we’ve come back with some impressions. The controller has different modes including…

Aquatronica gets face lift, becomes black

Looks like the old saying of once you go black, you don’t go back. This can be said of most aquarium controllers on the market, if they aren’t black already then they are in the process of changing them over…

Salinity Probe Kit for Lighthouse Controller

Another new product for your Lighthouse Controller is the salinty probe kit. This kit will allow you to monitor your salinity levels and even set up an alarm with the screamer that we mentioned earlier.  We aren’t sure which probe…

Coco Carbon from Grotech comes from Coconut Shells

Grotech outs its new CoCo carbon, although this name sounds like a delicious hot chocolate drink of some kind Coco actually stands for something else. Coconut. Grotech is bragging that Coco carbon will outperform traditional activiated carbon by as much…

Poor Nemo won’t be able to find his home if someone doesnt add buffer to the oceans

We’re not sure what’s up with ocean and reef research lately but there seems to be quite a plethora of gloomy ecology papers being published, each decrying a new way that the ocean is down the creek withouth a paddle.…

The modern design aquarium sink gives ultimate bragging rights

Having an reef aquarium is pretty exciting for most addicts. It’s several sheets of glass that are shapped like a box or rectangle in most cases. However, what you could start is a reef aquarium with this modern designed sink.…

IMAC West website goes live with event details

The website of the still-kickin’ IMAC went live this past weekend, spilling forth all kinds of details on the event’s speakers, location and registration. The three day event will set you back a reasonable $100 ($50 for students) which includes…

Red Sea Max 250 in the wild Part 4: the lighting

Well we would have loved to bring you more on the highly coveted RSM250 but when we returned to our LFS to take more pics and do another tour of the kit, the all in one set up had been…

Giesemann’s G-tron premium aquarium controller makes a splash in two flavors

We started counting our pennies even before reading the spec sheet for Giesemann’s new G-tron aquarium controller. The premium electronic device will be available in two flavors with a basic model monitoring and controlling pH, temperature and general parameters and…