Salifert Losing market share in the testing kit world

While Salifert has had a good run for the past several years we are seeing a slow switch to other testing kits. Way back in 2002 the rage if you were a good reef keeper was to purchase the standard…

GHL Profilux SMS module will txt U

If you are one of those people, those paranoid, obsessive compulsive reefers who always has to know what is going on with their tank then you’ll like a new SMS module available from GHL/profilux. The add on module available on…

Thank Poseidon for the Fishbase mirror site

Big thanks goes out to Jay Hemdal for informing us about a mirror site to the online fish reference website Fishbase. For some unholy reason the most comprehensive website to all fish uses servers that are made of popsicle sticks…

Vitrea Vision 44 coming to a UK store near you

Wait. You didn’t think that Vitrea would settle with a measily 48 gallon aquarium and just leave it at that?  Oh you silly aquarium addict. Vitrea has the Vision 44 aquarium model, and inside you’ll find similar features to their…

AquaticLife builds an R.O. unit with a radical departure from conventional models

Just when were thinking there was only one way to build an (ugly) R.O. unit, along comes AquaticLife to show us how sexy an R.O. unit can be. The units will come in a Deluxe and Power flavor, both of…

The “king of Coral” Kevin Kohen on Video

Kevin Kohen, the director of Live Aquaria, that nice aquaculture facility up in Rhinelander, Wisconsin got some face time with iVillage. What is iVillage? You’ll need to check out that later but Kevin got a “test” from one of the…

ATB XXL protein skimmer in action, enough nasty skimmate to go around for all

There seems to be an epidemic of large massive protein skimmers that are hitting the market. Granted these skimmers are needed for larger aquariums and have their place in modern reef aquaria. Most of these skimmers can be hidden in…

Maquarium aquarium management for mac users

Maquarium is aquarium management software for the novice or expert fish keeper. It allows users to track chemicals, schedule tasks, keep notes, analyze expenses and manage inventory. Maquarium features a built-in database that contains information which helps you track and…

Red Sea’s new 130D MAX (deluxe) Aquarium

You know a company is paying attention to the demands of hobbyists across the world when they take feedback given to them about a particular product, in this example Red Sea’s Max 130. For those of you who don’t know…

Have you heard about the marine aquarium reality show? It took us by surprise too

It might be a little dry at first but if you’ve ever set up a marine tank then you will be able to appreciate the new reality web-show L.A. Fishguys. The show is the brainchild of Jim Stime who runs…