Limited edition Fish and Corals of The World posters are now up for sale

Throughout the years of reefing and travelling, I’ve managed to amass quite the collection of fish and coral photos, many of which I use for day to day articles here. We sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures, and so it comes…

Opulent Osaka Part 1: Makoto Matsuoka’s decade old Prognathodes collection

We just got back from a three day trip to Osaka and if you’re a fish lover, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled and attention focused on this page for the next week at least. Japan as…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The under appreciated Chaetodon wiebeli

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight focuses on yet another butterflyfish, and this time it’s the highly under appreciated Chaetodon wiebeli. Well under appreciated in its range anyway. We’ve featured this species before when we caught sight of one in Bangkok, but…

Survival on the reef part 3: Distractions and decoys

Continuing with our mini series on reef fish survival techniques, we stray away from mimicry and take a look at how some fishes use the art of distraction to fool their predators. Not everyone has the ability to conceal their body…

Black tailed Centropyge heraldi is just another one of numerous confusing variations

Centropyge heraldi is an unassuming yellow dwarf angelfish with a huge can of worms just waiting to be opened. When you do, you’ll probably want to break down and cry in confusion. Apart from the standard yellow dwarf angelfish, C.…

Symphysanodon katayamai is a beautiful slopefish that is almost unknown in the trade

Many deepwater reef fish don’t get enough air time simply because they live so deep and are hard to find. One such fish is Symphysanodon katayamai, or the yellow striped slopefish. Symphysanodon is a genus comprising of about a dozen…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Roa modestus, the poor man’s excelsa

Roa is one of our favourite genus of deepwater butterflyfish and although it contains at least four members, only Roa excelsa is frequently covered. All Roa species are patterned in the same template of brown and white vertical bands, and are deepwater fish…

East Africa proves to be a hybrid hot spot with the collection of yet another possible Pomacanthus hybrid

This morning we got an e-mail from Dr. Chung of Hong Kong asking if we knew anything about a rumoured Pomacanthus hybrid that was collected in East Africa. Before we could even hit the reply button, we received another e-mail from Red…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: The pugnacious Novaculops halsteadi

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight goes to an unorthodox wrasse member from the genus Novaculops. Novaculops is a member of Novaculinae, which includes six genera of sand dwelling wrasses. The largest genus is Xyrichthys, but perhaps the most well known species from this…

Rainfordia opercularis reappears at Red Heart King

Rainfordia opercularis made a meteoric appearance a few years ago and just as suddenly as it appeared, it vanished without a trace. We helmed the species as fish of the year back in 2011 and since then we have covered…