Red Sea’s Max S Series aquariums unveiled

Red Sea has just unveiled their MAX S-Series aquariums which are an all-in-one tank similar to their max aquarium series. The original max aquarium series come in three flavors either the Red Sea Max 130D, Max 250, or yet to…

Trimma tevegae has got to be one of the coolest nano gobies which is readily available

Trimma tevegae is a gorgeous little goby which is relatively available but rarely showing it’s true potential. Like all fish, this species shows it’s best when its been conditioned for a while and put into a display that suits it.…

Five ways Nano Reefs are changing the way we do reef tanks

Yesterday, some hobbyist blogs began a series of posts about nano reef aquariums. Inspired by the beginning of meme on nano reef tanks, we decided to follow suite and write about what we feel are the most important effects nano…