Shark Gives “Virgin Birth” in Detroit

A female white spotted bamboo shark at the Belle Isle Aquarium in Detroit surprised zookeepers in July by giving birth to two babies. Why the surprise? It was a virgin birth: She hadn’t been near a male for six years.…

Honolulu firm joins rush to export deep-ocean water and it ISN’T for aquarium use!

A new Oahu company soon will start tapping into one of Hawaii’s biggest exports — water. Deep Ocean Hawaii early this week will launch its first vessel, the Spirit of the North, to harvest deep-ocean water 3.4 miles off the…

Belize Ticked Off at Miss Universe Pageant for Misinforming Viewers about reef

Belizeans are upset with Miss Universe Pageant organizers and NBC for misinforming viewers about the location of Belize’s famous Barrier Reef – the second largest in the world. During the pageant watched by over one billion people around the world,…

Fluval SEA Sweepstakes Rules

NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The “Fluval SEA Sweepstakes” is sponsored by Rolf C. Hagen (“Sponsor”). This contest is governed by these official rules (“Official Rules”). By participating in the contest, each…

Neptune Systems releases dimmable lunar simulator for reef aquariums

Don’t have enough moon lighting in your tank? You might be interested in the Lunar Simulator (LS) which allows the AquaController to control and vary the intensity to a 2 to 5 LED module for a realistic moon cycle simulation.…

New Sea Anemone found in belly of whale

A new species of sea anemone has been found in the carcass of a whale that sunk to the ocean floor off the coast of Monterey, California, marking the first discovery of one of these filter-feeding marine animals living in…

Heat can be a problem in Marine Aquariums

One key to having success in the marine aquarium hobby is stability within the aquarium, including a stable temperature. There are many factors that can cause temperature changes in the tank and just as many ways to help control these.…

Controlling Problem Algae in the Reef Aquarium

Mike Paletta is the author of The New Marine Aquarium and Ultimate Marine Aquariums. He has been in the hobby for over 15 years and has written numerous articles for Aquarium Fish Magazine, Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Aquarium Frontiers. After…

Substrates in Aquariums–Plenums, DSBs & Barebottom Aquaria

There is more then one way to skin a cat. In the reef keeping hobby this adage is axiomatic. Given that every single tank is slightly different from any other in methodology used, in how each develops biologically, chemically, and…

Water changes are key to a sucessful reef tank

The most time consuming and least pleasurable task that needs to be done is a water change. There has been much debate as to whether water changes are necessary or not, as well as how often and how much should…