The family Acanthuridae boasts of charismatic, charming and iconic reef fishes that are immediately recognizable both in the field and in the trade. All eighty or so species spanning the six various genera have a single unifying trait, and that is…
Search Results For: scopas tang
Behind the face of LiveAquaria – Kevin Kohen’s fish collection part 1
Any saltwater hobbyist worth his salt or doesn’t live under a rock surely knows about LiveAquaria. On this post MACNA trip, we managed to visit their facility and caught up with Kevin Kohen, the man behind the company. Seeing as we’ve already covered…
Mysterious “Koi aberrants” are not exclusive to the Zebrasoma and Centropyge genera
Over the years we’ve featured a myriad of “koi” aberrations, which mostly seem to inflict large fully grown adults of the surgeonfish genus Zebrasoma, as well as the dwarf angel genus Centropyge. While not always aesthetically pleasing, from a genetic…
Xanthic Acanthurus surgeonfish caught on video
The xanthic surgeonfish is the latest freak to come out of the family Acanthuridae. You’ve seen the piebald tang, the tricolor scopas, the aberrant scopas, the nearly all white yellow tang Casper but this all solid yellow Acanthurus is the…
Southwest Marines in the UK grows it’s own Phyto, and lots of it
There’s a pretty special shop in the UK called Southwest Marines which at first glance seems rather unassuming but they do some really interesting things. In addition to housing some amazing aberrant tricolor tangs and gem tangs like it was…