White longnose butterflyfish is the latest rarity from Abyss Aquatics

The white longnose butterflyfish that landed at Abyss Aquatics in the UK is at once quite surprise and not a surprise at all. On the one hand the longnose butterflyfish, Forcipiger longirostris, and its black form is one of the…

5 affordable and 1 expensive rare fish on LiveAquaria right now

Although many rare fish may cost an arm and a leg, there are many unusual and rarely seen fish which can be purchased for reasonable prices. For as rare as it is, the Bali Blackstripe Basslet, Liopropoma latifasciatum is cheap…

In Pursuit of Perfection: A Day in the Life of Advanced Aquarium Consultancy

Last week I visited Advanced Aquarium Consultancy, in Essex, England. I’ve been there several times before, I always recommend it, but this time I didn’t go there to shop, I went there to work. And gain a unique insight into…

Inverse Coral Beauty is one of the Best Aberrant Angelfish we’ve seen 

The Coral Beauty is often a Reefer’s first introduction to marine angelfishes. They are relatively hardy, easy to keep, cheap, and widely available, but this can also work against them when more seasoned reefers prefer something, well, a bit rarer.…

Love2Reef is a British Reefing Show Raising Money for a Great Cause

Last weekend I was invited to give a talk at Love2Reef in Essex, England. Love2Reef was devised by British hobbyist Paul Longhurst, who managed to do what many Brits have tried and failed to do in the past – hold…

Top 10 Algae Eaters For Reef Tanks

Algae is one of the worst menaces of any aquarium, and a top reason people leave the hobby. Here are just 10 fish and invertebrates that can help to make our tanks more algae-free. 1. Algae blenny The humble Algae…

Marine Fish Workshop to be held at CITES CoP 19

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is to discuss ornamental fish species at their annual Conference of Parties, held this year in Panama. The Convention regulates everything wild from Tigers to Timber, with the aim of ensuring that…

The Tailless fish of Jave Marine

As we scrolled our social media news feeds this week we couldn’t help but notice the penchant for tailless saltwater fish shown by Indonesian livestock collector CV Java Marine Group. We have documented many tailless fish over the years and…

Whitemargin Unicornfish documented for the first time in the Mediterranean

According to the Biological Invasions Records journal, a Whitemargin Unicornfish, Naso annulatus, has been caught in the Maltese waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Native to islands as far apart as Hawaii and Madagascar this large species of surgeonfish is a…

3 ways to avoid fish agression

We all aspire to have a community of fish that all get along, but sometimes we evidently buy a damsel as our first fish or fall in love with a Sohal Tang or find some other fish that just does…