Andrea Ehlers
43 Articles0 Comments

Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance: Mechanical Filtration

Aquarium Maintenance: Mechanical Filtration Mechanical filtration is an essential component of a saltwater aquarium. Whether it is a filter sock, filter pad, or filter block, is up to you; but they all physically remove debris from your tank water. There are several…

Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance: Water Changes

Aquarium Maintenance: Water Changes Regular water changes are fundamental to maintaining an aquarium. The volume and frequency will fluctuate for each tank but almost every reefer performs regular water changes on their aquarium. Once you regularly maintain your aquarium you…

Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance: Topping Off Your Tank With Freshwater

Aquarium Maintenance: Topping Off  When water evaporates from your saltwater aquarium, only the fresh water evaporates, and the salt is left behind. In order to maintain a consistent salinity level, we must top off our tanks with fresh water. There are two ways…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: the Yellow Watchman Goby

The cautious Yellow Watchman Goby sits on the substrate near his borrow waiting for food. However, he quickly retreats when threatened along with anyone else sharing his home. Yellow Watchman Gobies, or Yellow Prawn Gobies, are known for their symbiotic…

How to Maintain Your Magnesium, Calcium, and Alkalinity Levels

When maintaining an aquarium with corals, it is crucial to uphold specific levels of magnesium, calcium, and alkalinity. Without testing for these elements, your success with corals may be short lived. Most importantly, buy an accurate test kit. The few…

What to do with an aggressive fish

We all make that mistake of seeing an extraordinary fish and instantly buying it at the fish store. Sometimes we know it may be risky and other times the fish just turns into a bully. So what can you do…

3 ways to avoid fish agression

We all aspire to have a community of fish that all get along, but sometimes we evidently buy a damsel as our first fish or fall in love with a Sohal Tang or find some other fish that just does…

Simple tips to keep your protein skimmer nice and clean

Protein skimmers are most likely the dirtiest piece of equipment on your tank and is also the one you probably have to give it the most attention in order to keep it clean an operating effectively.  We touched on some…

Helpful Protein Skimmer troubleshooting tips for newbies and vets alike

A protein skimmer is an essential piece of equipment in aquarium keeping. It is often the heart of the tank that oxygenates the water. Because it is a crucial piece of our system, you need to make sure it is working properly.…

What Are Acropora Eating Flatworms And How To Treat Them

Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW) are an SPS reefers nightmare. One day you can go from a pristine reef to a fully blown out plague just by introducing them with one coral. Amakusaplana acroporae, Acro eating flatworms, are species of flatworm…