ReefStock 2010 pictures part 3: a fisheye view

Unless you were one of the few dozen captive bred fish brought to ReefStock, chances are you didn’t get to see the show from a fisheye lens. The tight crowds made it difficult to capture how densely packed the floor…

The Reefstock 2010 Aquascaping Design: Lessons learned and a Victory for the Road Less Travelled

Reeftock  2010 is now a pleasant memory. The aquascaping  “ Throwdown”  between myself and my new BFF, Freshwater “Iron Aquascaper” John Ciotti, was a smashing success, bringing aquascaping to the forefront of the marine hobby world, if only for a…

Reef Stock at the Denver Downtown aquarium Tomorrow

Reef Builders is here live at the Denver Aquarium for the annual Reef Stock Event. The coral vendors have just about finished setting their displays up and getting cozy to their new one day homes. There are so many amazing…

First look at the redesigned aspirator valve for the Orca Pro skimmers from My Reef Creation

In October of 2009 ReefBuilders first reported about the new redesigned aspirator valve from My Reef Creations. A few days ago I got my hands on not only the aspirator assembly but the New Orca Pro I and Pro II…

Volx Japan’s LeDio spotlights join the LED spectacle at ReefStock

If you haven’t yet heard, Denver’s ReefStock event will be featuring the greatest diversity of marine and reef aquarium LED lights ever assembled. In addition to Ecoxotic, ReefBrite, NanoCustoms, AquaIlluminations and CoralSky, the Nautilus Ballroom at the Denver Downtown Aquarium…

Five ways Nano Reefs are changing the way we do reef tanks

Yesterday, some hobbyist blogs began a series of posts about nano reef aquariums. Inspired by the beginning of meme on nano reef tanks, we decided to follow suite and write about what we feel are the most important effects nano…

Mesophotic Reef- low light reefs can teach us new things about contemporary reefing

Tim Wijgerde of is building a mesophotic reef system, basically a low light reef. Tim dropped in to share with us why he decided to do a low light reef tank and what low light reef animals can teach…

Spanish Flag and a whole biotope of Curacao deepwater reef fish making a pit stop at AquaTouch

The Spanish Flag, Gonioplectrus hispanus is one of those rare deepwater reef fish that is so uncommonly seen or collected that very few pictures of it even exist. It was very exciting to hear that AquaTouch in Phoenix AZ will…

Macropharyngodon vivienae: madagascar leopard wrasse starts showing up in Kenyan exports

Macropharyngodon vivienae is an exciting fish that is thought to be an endemic to Madagascar reefs and parts of the East African coastline from Natal to Durban. This is a fish so rare that we’ve only seen one live specimen…

Coral Nurseries of Elkhorn and Staghorn Acropora need our support, adopt a coral today

Elkhorn and Staghorn coral nurseries in the Florida Keys are beginning to bear the fruits of their labor. Now that the coral farm founded by Ken Nedimeyer has been in operation for several years, it’s thousands of coral pieces ranging…