Nebraska Reef Club President, Jim Gryczanowski, is a self professed wrasse nut. Recently, he acquired a trio of Cirrhilabrus earlei. The C. earlei wrasse is a deepwater species, only recently discovered in 2001. They are extremely rare in the trade…
Search Results For: Blue Harbor
Serranus luciopercanus, the crosshatch bass gets detailed in much better pics
The diminutive crosshatch bass, Serranus luciopercanus, is one of several deepwater gems which was recently harvested from the depths of Curacao. Like so many others, the crosshatch bass made it’s way one of Japan’s rare fish specialty stores, Blue Harbor.…
Spanish Flag and a whole biotope of Curacao deepwater reef fish making a pit stop at AquaTouch
The Spanish Flag, Gonioplectrus hispanus is one of those rare deepwater reef fish that is so uncommonly seen or collected that very few pictures of it even exist. It was very exciting to hear that AquaTouch in Phoenix AZ will…
French Butterflyfish, Prognathodes guyanensis available for the first time from LiveAquaria, hybrid coming soon
The French Butterflyfish, Prognathodes guyanensis, is an extremely rare deepwater Caribbean butterflyfish which has very seldomly been collected for the aquarium trade. Most fish books list this species as being widespread in the Caribbean and absent from Florida, but recently,…
Tiger Angelfish, Apolemichthys kingi found living in a South African pond
The tiger angelfish, Apolemichthys kingi is a species so rare that it is very seldomly seen outside of it’s South African home. Although the tiger angelfish might cost many thousands of dollars if it ever was sold in the US,…
Reef Life and Advanced Aquarist: A new magazine charts a course and the original online magazine diversifies
There’s a lot of good news in the marine aquarium magazine world these days including the increasing diversity of ways that two publications are reaching out to their readers. The nascent Reef Life Magazine is making some headway with it’s…
Roa excelsa status: one is still swimming
As we reported a while back, one of the best shops in Japan, Blue Harbor, obtained two Roa excelsa from Hawaii three weeks ago. Unfortunately, one of the butterflyfish was already dead in a plastic bag when they arrived at…
Rare Butterflyfish Parade: Roa excelsa, Roaps flavocoronatus and a new Roaps tinkeri hybrid
Not sure what is in the air lately but have we got the goods on a nice handful of uber rare butterflyfish fish for you. Hot on the heels of the orange margin butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei, we have an odd-phase…
Prognathodes basabei, the Orange Margin butterflyfish pushes the limits of how deep fish are collected
After ten years since the first time this species was collected, Blue Harbor has once again obtained the ultimate deep living butterflyfish, Prognathodes basabei. This Deepwater Hawaiian endemic was originally collected in 1998 and it was known for a long…
Heliopora are Not-So-Soft, Soft Corals
Given their common name of soft corals, one would likely assume that octocorals are well… soft. However, as is common in biology, there are always exceptions to rules. Within the Octocorallia, there are a few species that form aragonite-based skeletons,…