Golden Clownfish pictures highlight this most exquisite reef fish

The Golden CLownfish of Dr. Chung stunned the world yesterday with only a short, not too well focused video. Well if you thought that was something, just wait until you get a load of these fresh pictures Dr. Chung made…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

It’s the 4th annual installment of the Marine Breeder’s Year in Review (see past installments at 2010, 2011a, 2011b, and 2012) and frankly, it’s been an interesting if not arguably “slow” year for a change, and yet I’ll probably write more…

Reef Builder’s recap on 2013’s most alluring hybrids

We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t cover any hybrids this year, and like the hardworking elves at Santa’s factory, we made sure we did it with glitter and bow ribbons. This year we had our fair share…

Chromis brevirostris is a gorgeous species which is barely documented

Here at Reef Builders we are a fan of all things Chromis, and are especially fond of the deep water species such as the world famous Chromis abyssus. C. abyssus was described in 2008 together with four other species –…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Keeping butterflyfish in reefs: What to look out for and what to avoid

Butterflyfish are the quintessential reef inhabitant. Take a look at any coral reef picture, video, documentary, poster, you name it. There’s a high chance a colourful butterfly is flitting around there somewhere. The same is not to be said in…

Hybrid swallowtail angelfish has great potential for unexpected mature coloration

Another day and we have another hybrid angelfish to report. This particular specimen is a cross between swallowtail angelfish, Genicanthus lamarcki and G. melanospilos. Currently this hybrid swallowtail angelfish is of muted appearance, a nothing more than a curiosity to…

RVS 4 Star Mariculture Coral Farm is the first of its kind in the Philippines

RVS 4 Star Mariculture Coral Farm has just struck ground on coral and frag farming in the Philippines, the first project of its kind which promises to have a huge impact on wild and aquarium reefs. Located inside the marine park of Lubang…

Enjoy this tank full of crazy rare reef fish

This incredible reef aquarium maintained by Blue Harbor Japan is chock full of the world’s crazy rare reef fish, plenty enough to buy a luxury car with. Populated by one of a kind piscine critters this aquarium is home to…

First Masked Angelfish of the year collected by Ron Tubbs

Of all the rare reef fish in the world, the masked angelfish is one of the very few for which we follow and track every single specimen collected. The first big splash in rare fish collecting news is Ron Tubbs’…