Shark Cone Skimmers from JNS Aquaria…DA DUM…DA DUM…

JNS Aquaria, a company you’ve probably never heard of but produces a lot of products for brands across the world has a new line of cone skimmers named after sharks. Thats right. Sharks. To date there are two models to…

EXtreme Reef cone skimmers showcase Israeli technology advances

A new line of cone protein skimmers by start-up EXtreme Reef are making a splash in Israel and should be making their way to Europe in the near future.  The company’s founders are R&D engineers in the burgeoning Israeli hi-tech…

Saltwater Connection has two new cone skimmers coming SWC120, SWC160

The Saltwater Connection, makers of fine inexpensive protein skimmers have new models in the works. Both of these new models are cone skimmers as is the current rage within the industry. The first model SWC160 Cone has a 9″ x…

Planctonite introduces sweeper for protein skimmers

Planctonite, a small company from Spain has introduced a “sweeper” similar to a skim clean which will clean the inside of your protein skimmer. Planctonite says  that it could be connected to a timer such as a ProFilux or other…

Deltec announces self-cleaning head unit for SC and TC skimmers

Deltec has just announced new cleaning heads for the company’s new line of SC and TC protein skimmers we recently wrote about, keeping your skimmer clean and operating as efficiently as possible. The new cleaning heads are low profile to…

Fine-crafted Shoei skimmers show that small Beckett skimmers are still popular in Japan

Downdraft and Beckett skimmers are still extreme foam fractioning workhorses despite the current trends toward cone and needle wheel designs hitting the market and our reefkeeping brothers and sisters in Japan are proving these smaller, finely-crafted skimmers are alive and…

Rigid Meshwheel from Nano Customs gives nano skimmers a solid boost

The rigid meshwheel above is a new development in the mesh wheel arms race: hot on the heels of the alloy meshwheels and hastelloy impellers, the new solid meshwheel from Nano Customs makes sapphire skimmers rock like nothing else (except…

My Reef Creations commercial scale industrial skimmers

A new industrial/commercial scale protein skimmer has just been unveiled by the acrylicsmiths over at My Reef Creations. Although we snuck a peak at some of these skimmers during our southern aquarium tour, MRC has finalized the design and construction…

Warner Marine: New H1, H2 hang on back skimmers coming soon

Warner Marine has been busy working on their next generation hang on back skimmer, or otherwise known as the “H” series. The current generation series (which is pictured) above is going to get extremely jealous when the next generation series…

220v Vertex Alpha skimmers coming, rest of world now happy

Those OEM Royal Exclusiv cone skimmers, named Alpha with the Vertex brand name on them are said to be pretty popular. So popular in fact that a few of our reef cousins have wanted to get on in the action.…