CPR Aquatic released a “bubble trap box” for the newer tray outlets found on the AeroForce, Aerofuge, and Aquefuge line. Longtime fans of CPR may remember they had a similar box for their original pipe outlets. The AFBT accomplishes the…
CPR Aeroforce AP air driven hang on protein skimmer
Air driven protein skimmers are making a come back, or at least we want them to because there’s hardly an easier or simpler way to mix air and water for the sake of cleaning marine aquarium water. The AeroForce AP…
AeroForce AP from CPR Aquatic goes old school with wooden airstones
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQsYymURwlk[/youtube] The CPR Aquatic AeroForce AP is going old school replacing the aspirating pump from the previous AeroForce model with airstones to generate a respectable abundance of fine air bubbles. CPR has always done the hang on back (HOB) skimmers…
CPR Aeroforce reverse flow model up close
The CPR Aeroforce protein skimmer recirculating skimmer has a new model with the inlet and outlet reversed making it a fine choice for nano and all-in-one owners who can’t use the first Aeroforce model. With small compartments and immobile dividers…
CPR Aquafuge2 PS getting Aeroforce treatment
CPR Aquatic’s Aquafuge 2 PS is going to get a new look soon incorporating the Aeroforce protein skimmer design instead of the traditional Bak-Pak skimmer. The company is still working out the production and pricing details but it should be…
AeroForce from CPR gets outed on video
Last month we showed you the new CPR bak pak type protein skimmer named the AeroForce. It was being displayed at IMAC west in a prototype version. After nearly a decade of minor and incremental upgrades to the workhorse BakPak…
Aeroforce is a true next generation Bak Pak skimmer from CPR
The Aeroforce hang-on protein skimmer from CPR Aquatics is a new recirculating protein skimmer which is the successor to the BakPak . After nearly a decade of minor and incremental upgrades to the workhorse BakPak with small design changes and…