Orphek Amazonas 320 are custom-configured for large and public aquariums

The Orphek Amazonas 320 is now officially available as an option for large and public aquariums. Late last year when we wrote about the Orphek Amazonas 80, we mentioned the upcoming larger version Orphek Amazonas 320 that features four multi-chip…

Orphek releases new Amazonas line aimed at public aquariums

The new line of Orphek Amazonas LED lights are aimed at replacing metal halides in public and large-scale aquariums. Using the same multi-LED chipset as the Orphek Kaspian, the new Orphek Amazonas eliminated the white LEDs using a wide range…

Freshwater Amazonas Magazine will soon be available in English

Amazonas Magazine, the sister publication to the widely circulated CORAL magazine, will soon be made in English to compliment its German beginnings. CORAL magazine which is already published in several languages has been a great source of marine and aquarium…