Does Size Matter in an NPS Coral Reef Tank?

One of the questions I get asked most often from people planning their NPS or azooxanthellate coral reef tank, besides my feeding schedule, is the ideal tank size for such a system. With regular, photosynthetic reef tanks, it’s a common…

A Reefkeeper’s Guide to NPS Corals

NPS coral specialist Florian Gaudig gives us the lowdown on how to select NPS corals, which ones we should try, which ones we should avoid, and what to feed them. Many new and seasoned reefing hobbyists find themselves struggling when…

Rare Soft Coral Surfaces at QGI Aquatics 

We have all seen our fair share of soft and azooxanthellate corals in the hobby, but this one is definitely different. Not much is known about Chromonephthea as they rarely make it into the hobby. The specimens pictured were imported…

Maine Coral Gardens are filled with Azoox corals and marine life

When we think of the state of Maine in the Northeast United States, we tend to think of lobsters and clam chowder. But as it turns out, there’s a really rich coral reef right off the coast of this northerly…