The Striated Frogfish: a Great Choice for the Oddball Fish Aficionado

Marine aquarists who are drawn to cryptic species with unusual morphology rather than bright colors might want to give the striated frogfish (Antennarius striatus) a second look. Actually, depending on the system it’s kept in, it may be necessary to…

Survival on the reef part 2: Cover and concealment

In our previous installation of reef creatures and their survival techniques, we talked about mimicry and how certain mimics have evolved to copy their models for protection. In this second part, we take a look at animals who display protective…

The Fantastic Fishing Gear of Antennariid Anglerfishes

As someone who enjoys a day on the water fishing, I have to give a tip of the hat to the various anglerfishes (a.k.a. frogfishes) of the family Antennariidae. These incredibly cryptic fishes make us human anglers look like rank…

The Many Faces of Mimicry in Marine Fish

In the fish-eat-fish world of the coral reefs, it can sometimes be beneficial to look like something you’re not. This strategy, known as mimicry, is employed by a wide variety of marine fish and other organisms in order to garner…

Unique and weird jawfish-mimic octopus interaction videoed in Lembeh Straits

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”420″][/vimeo] The video by Godehard Korp is certainly one of the strangest and most unique interactions between marine animals we have ever seen. The Mimic Octopus shown crawling on the muck reefs of Lembeh-Straits has a truly unique…