The black spot pygmy angelfish may not carry with it the same mythology as the recently collected peppermint angelfish, but it is arguably much more rare. Only the third specimen of Centropyge nigriocella collected alive for the aquarium trade, the…
BlueHarbor releases new video updates on Cirrhilabrus squirei and Centropyge nigriocella
We wrote about the brand new Cirrhilabrus squirei from the Coral Sea on our last visit to BlueHarbor, and we’re glad that the fish is still around looking healthy as ever. C. squirei recalls the more familiar C. johnsoni in…
Blackspot pygmy angelfish found living in Australia, net-caught and MAC certified
This feature of the blackspot pygmy angelfish is a great inaugural post from what will become a regular contribution from various team members of Cairns Marine. Being one of Australia’s largest marine life collectors comes with its perks and when…
Blackspot pygmy angelfish video from B-Box Aquarium is probably the world’s first
Last week we brought you sensational never before seen new pictures of a live blackspot pygmy angelfish and this week B-Box Aquarium has the honors. After leaving Reef Solutions Vanuatu who originally collected the fish, B-Box Aquarium purchased this fish…
Centropyge nigriocella, amazing new pictures of the cryptic blackspot pygmy angelfish
Huge thanks to Reef Solutions Vanuatu for sharing the pictures of a very rare, cryptic pygmy angelfish The blackspot pygmy angelfish, Centropyge nigrocella, is a fish so cryptic and rare that it is not even discussed among rare fish fanciers.…