Cirrhilabrus efatensis is a new species of fairy wrasse which was discovered living in Vanuatu in the South Pacific. This new species is in the small but distinct complex of hooded fairy wrasses which include C. bathyphilus, from the Coral Sea…
1.4 Fairy Wrasses: The bathyphilus group
The bathyphilus group, despite being a very small congregation, is by no means any less interesting or provocative compared to its congeners. In 1997 during the Indo-Pacific Fish Conference held in New Caledonia, five unidentified specimens of Cirrhilabrus were brought…
More titillating pictures of the illustrious Cirrhilabrus nahackyi
Cirrhilabrus nahackyi has just been officially described a few days ago and here are some beautiful pictures of the species by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka. In case you have not heard, C. nahackyi is the newest member to join the Cirrhilabrus…
Cirrhilabrus nahackyi is a new species of labrid similar to the hooded fairy wrasse
Cirrhilabrus sp. 1, known commonly as the Nahacky’s fairy wrasse, has been officially described by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka and Fenton Walsch in the latest issue from the International Journal of ichthyology as Cirrhilabrus nahackyi. For a while now the “used-to-be-undesrcibed”…