My Coral Caretaker Job and Livestock Wholesale Explained

I’ve been working in the wholesale part of the aquarium hobby industry for just over three years. It has been a unique and insightful experience that opened my eyes and allowed me to see what and how the wholesale end…

What it’s Like To Start a ‘Career in Corals’

My name is Levi Peterson and a few months ago I made a decision to work closely with corals at ACI Aquaculture. I formerly worked at a local pet store and personally worked very closely with Non-Photosynthetic corals. However, when…

The Unique Corals ’experience’

It has been a great reefing year for me, in that I have set up two new tanks for myself, been to MACNA and all three Reefaploozas and the topper, I have been to the facilities of the four enterprises that…