What traits make a great reefer?

While sitting around with Julian, Jake and Sanjay, an interesting discussion developed as to what traits make a great reefer.  It was a lively debate as each of us had our own ideas of what traits really differentiate great reefers…

Awesome video clearly explains what reef aquarium passion is all about

The next time a curious onlooker asks “Why Fish?” regarding our collective obsession with the aquarium hobby, we suggest you reach for a computer and just show them this video by Scion Magazine. It is awesome to see great Cali…

Bristle Worm Removal from Saltwater Aquariums

Bristle worms can be, and usually, are a real problem for reef hobbyists. Indeed, they create havoc in the aquarium, especially when they grow to larger sizes. Bristle worms grow quickly! Real quickly! They feed on anything they can find…