New Coral Reef Discovered in the Galapagos

A new coral reef has been discovered off the Galapagos islands. The 1.2 miles-long, 400m deep pristine coral reef was found on the summit of a submarine mountain by a deepwater scientific expedition. Ecuador’s environment minister Jose Davalos declared that…

30 New Deep-Sea Species Discovered Near The Galapagos

A team of scientists have announced the discovery of 30 new invertebrate species collected on deep water expedition around the Galapagos National Park. The team discovered new corals and sponges, including ten bamboo corals, four octocorals, one brittle star, and…

New shark species discovered off the coast of the Galapagos

When we hear about sharks in the wild, we tend to hear negative stories discussing their decline in the wild or the negative impact on shark finning, but some positive news appeared recently when a team of scientists announced their…