Mocha Frostbite Clownfish are one of the Newest Designer Hybrids has started offering one of the latest permutations of designer hybrid clownfishes, the Mocha Frostbite. It didn’t take rocket science to create this new variation. At its core, the Mocha hybrid has been around for over a decade, being the…

A Recap of the MBI Workshop 2014

Hosted by the Marinelife Aquarium Society of Michigan (MASM) and the Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI), and held July 19, 2014 at Cranbrook Institute of Science in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, this was the fifth workshop they have offered dealing solely with…

Longfin Ocellaris: The Verdict? It’s Genetic!

Just yesterday we published our 2013 Marine Breeding Year in Review, part II, which included speculation and a short update about Sustainable Aquatic’s Longfin Ocellaris breeding project. At the time the review was written in late December, Sustainable had just…

Rayfish Footwear controversial maker of genetically-modified stingray shoes or elaborate hoax?

Rayfish Footwear is a unique company claiming to hail from Thailand that allows you to choose your own unique pattern for shoes by using a genetically modified stingray as the source for your custom, one-of-a-kind design. You pick the pattern…

Drive-by view of cell size and scale

The University of Utah Genetics Science Learning Center has a fun, animated view that puts various cell sizes in perspective. The online resource, aptly named “Cell Size and Scale,” allows you to go from coffee bean to carbon atom and…