Personatus angelfish may be caught in U.S. waters but aside from their brief stint in Hawaii, they usually go East to Japan, Taiwan or Hong Kong. House of Fins has bucked this trend by laying down some big bucks to…
Video update on the tiny personatus angelfish
Late last summer a tiny masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, was captured in Hawaii by Rufus Kimura. We heavily covered this tiny specimen of the demi-god masked angelfish, first with an on-site video of the tiny masked angelfish, and later on…
Rare fish collector Rob Lower dies of dive-related injuries
Rob Lower was a marine ornamental fish collector who specialized in finding and catching many rare Hawaiian endemic reef fish, many of which were only accessible by diving to the limits. Over the last few years Mr. Lower was one…
Blue Harbor scored the tiniest masked angelfish ever caught for aquarium life
[youtube width=”670″ height=”425″][/youtube] The tiny little masked angelfish caught last week in Hawaii is already safe and sound in it’s new home at Blue Harbor in Japan. Koji Wada and the Blue Harbor staff received this little treasure right before…
Tiny little masked angelfish caught and filmed in Hawaii
Superstar deepwater reef fish collector Rufus Kimura and Co. have successfully captured a tiny little masked angelfish juvenile, Genicanthus personatus. Right as we were retiring for last night we heard whisperings that a juvenile Genicanthus personatus had been caught at…
Collecting expedition to new Hawaii location succeeds in catching masked angelfish
So far. That’s right, not only have divers Rob Lower and Ron Tubbs succeeded in collecting two one masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, but it looks like they are aiming to collect a few more before the expedition to this dive…
Genicanthus personatus spawning & rearing video by Karen Britain and Bruce Carlson
Genicanthus personatus, the masked swallowtail angelfish is a holy grail angelfish species that is endemic to the Hawaiian Island chain. Paradoxically, this is one of the few angelfish species which has been raised in captivity and it is the only…