New Hermit Crab Wears Live Coral Like a Backpack!

The ‘Walking Dendro’ coral known as Heteropsammia or knuckle coral is one of the most unique solitary corals. Its association with a peanut worm in its base to help get around is well known but apparently we’re just beginning to…

Get to know some unique, free-living and “walking” corals

Disc corals have gotten incredibly popular over the last few years for their ability to have extremely brilliant colors, a single polyp & corallite which is hard to propogate, and because they are just that cool! However disc and tongue corals…

Illustrated key to azooxanthellate Scleractinia is high def identification gold

An illustrated key to the genera and subgenera of the recent Azooxanthellate Scleractinia, is one of the coolest in depth LPS azoox identification keys we’ve come across. Even if you have zero interest in azoox corals, you absolutely have to check…