Can You Believe this Gem Tang Survived?

Several weeks ago we peered into one of our reef tanks to notice that something was not quite right with one of our gem tangs. The medium sized Zebrasoma gemmatum specimen had been in our care for the better part of…

A Proven Method for Treating Bacterial Infection in Anemones

Recently I had an urge to get back into keeping anemones and planned on setting up an anemone-specific aquarium with the 90-gallon tank I resealed. I knew I wanted to start looking at what has been out in the market…

Genio Safebox is a special container for transporting and handling fish or corals

Genio Systems has a new transportation and general purpose new container called the Genio Safebox. The Safebox is specially designed to be an all around “satellite” aquarium to your main tank which can be used for just about any temporary…

7 Guidelines for Mindful Medication of Marine Aquarium Fish

Let’s face it, when a fish in our care exhibits symptoms that might suggest disease, we want to fix the problem and we want to fix it fast. What that usually means is running to the local fish store and…