If you’re one of the growing number of iPhone users and looking for a robust, tank logging application for your device check out AquaStatix. The app (available for $1.99 USD from the iTunes App Store) will let you set up…
iReef to work with Reef Keeper Elite RKM-NET module
If you have an iPhone (and really who doesn’t these days) you can pick up an APP that will run your old style reef keeper 2 from Digital Aquatics. Yes we know, its the old Reef Keeper 2, but all…
Seachem’s Dose application: video demo and review
We’ve been using Seachem’s Dose application for the iPhone and iPod touch to gauge our calcium and buffer additions and we like it so much we decided to bring you this video demonstration and review. Â Dose is really easy to…
iPhone wallpapers of rare marine fish
Calling all the iReefers out there, here’s a small sampling of wallpapers for your iPhone or iPodTouch. The four rare reef fish featured in these images are some of the most popular and highly sought species for the marine aquarium.…
Dose, Seachem releases free iPhone app for dosing calculation
Dose is a new, free iPhone app from Seachem which allows the user to easily regulate their aquarium’s chemistry. I think it is safe to say that most power aquarium dosers often guesstimate how much product to add and determine…